397 - Centre

Family Engagement Survey

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Please select your school

Directions: Please CHECK ONE response that best describes your child's school. If an item is not applicable to you, please leave it blank. The information will be used to help your school better engage families in their children's learning.
Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree N/A
In this school, staff (e.g., administrators, teachers, counselors) build positive relationships with families.
When I walk into this school, I feel welcome.
I am invited to a variety of events about student learning (e.g., open house, new family orientation, back to school nights, or literacy/math nights).
The school offers an easy-to-navigate website with meaningful information.
School staff listen to my concerns.
Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree N/A
I'm provided understandable data on my child's progress.
In this school, staff regularly communicates with me (e.g., communication notebook, letters, postcards, email, phone calls, texts, website, or newsletters).
I'm provided clear information about policies, programs, and improvement efforts.
School staff consult me before making important decisions about my child's education.
If my child receives additional supports, I am provided with information about these supports.
Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree N/A
School staff keep me well informed about how my child is doing in school.
I have a good working relationship with school staff in which we solve problems together.
I'm provided useful information about how to support my child's learning.
The school partners with businesses and community organizations in a variety of ways (e.g., volunteer opportunities, field trips, guest speakers, mentoring, tutoring, or leadership team participation).
The school helps my family connect with community resources that we need.

The Family Engagement Survey is launched by school districts to assist leadership in targeting areas for improvement in their family engagement practices. All responses are anonymous and combined for school leadership. Questions about the Family Engagement Survey can be directed to your school administrators or to agaumer@ku.edu.